
Testing in Software Lifecycle

Testing is a vital part of software development life cycle & can be performed more efficaciously when the testing team is involved as early as possible. A tester should be involved right from requirement analysis until the launch of product. While the involvement of tester in later phases of project lifecycle is apparent, some might argue why is testing team required to be involved in requirements phase?

This statement can be answered correctly if you understand the true role of a tester in requirements phase. Testers are no requirements definer. However, a tester is required to listen to the discussion & gain insights into logic & reasoning of the problems encountered. A tester is required to think like a tester & not just think about the scenarios covered in the discussion, but also to think about the scenarios not covered & raise questions. For example, requirement a is covering b & c type of scenarios, what if, we have a customer x for which there exist a scenario y. How will such a situation be handled. By raising such questions to the experts, a tester can ignite discussions on totally untouched areas that might have severely impacted the project timelines if discovered at a later phase.

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